More Nutrients & Formulas
The supplements in this section include individual nutrients and herbal medicines, formulas to support specific systems, and special food extracts and concentrates with unique properties.
Alpha Lipoic Acid is
a nutrient of particular importance in vision and
nerve function.
B-Optimal is our superior B-Complex with the most biologically active form of folate.
Beet Juice Powder - 15 pounds of special beets are used to make 1 pound of Organic Beet Juice Powder.
Belle Femme is our women’s formula for
hormonal support.
Berberine is a versatile botanical compound with wide application.
Berry Powder - Organic Berry Power™ is the most concentrated, full-spectrum certified organic super fruit powder there is.
Buffered Vitamin C is pure vitamin C buffered
with calcium for easy digestion and assimilation.
Carrot Juice Powder - 25 pounds of carrots are used to make 1 pound of Organic Carrot Juice Powder.
D-2000 - The Sunshine Vitamin, with 150 mg calcium hydroxyapatite
Hungry Heart is our formula to provide nutrients
and herbs that nurture heart and circulatory function.
Mag Max - magnesium citrate and glycinate for optimal absorption.
MesoSilver - 0.9999 pure silver in colloidal form, 20 PPM.
Milk Thistle is a wonderful herb for detoxifying
and rebuilding the liver.
- MSM Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfates, 1500 mg and 1200 mg
is a natural sulfur-containing compound that
acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.
Pure Synergy is the best supergreens formula
we know of, available in capsules or as a powder.
Radiance C, available in capsules or powder, is
extracted from plants and fruits to provide vitamin
C and associated factors in natural, organic form.
is an encapsulation of fermented dried fish with
a marvelous effect on the intestinal tract and immunity.
Under My Skin - 10 Key Nutrients for Beautiful Skin - with Coenzyme Q10, DMAE and MSM.
Unique Vitamin-E Complex is our soy-free combination
of natural tocopherols – the alpha, beta,
gamma and delta fractions.
Unique Tocotrienols is our soy-free combination
of natural tocotrienols – the alpha, beta,
gamma and delta fractions.
Wheat Grass Juice Powder
- young, tender, and vibrant emerald green blades of organic wheat
grass are harvested at the very zenith of their nutritional potential.