Our Charitable Pledge 10% of our profits go to these causes we believe in.

Since 2011, we have donated at least five percent of our profits to non-profit foundations.

Beginning in 2015, we increased our pledge to 10%. The foundations we support have included:

The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, whose mission statement includes: “To assure that healthcare professionals and the public would always have access to the critical nutritional discoveries of doctors Weston Price and Francis Pottenger, the Foundation publishes the work of these two men and serves as a guardian for precious archives that include their extensive files, notes and photographs.”

Cambodian Dancer
A young Cambodian dancer performs at Nong Chan Camp, 1986,
as the sounds of war echo in the distance.
Whiskers Pet Rescue, a no-kill animal rescue organization in Southbury, Connecticut. Whiskers is run entirely by volunteers committed to helping and caring for animals who have been abandoned, injured, abused, or neglected. Whiskers consists of a small group of people with a huge passion for helping animals; they rescue and adopt out hundreds of pets each year, placing them in loving forever homes.
The Canadian Legal Defense Fund, which has defended dairy farmer Michael Schmidt in his battles with the Canadian authorities over raw milk.
The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, which defends the rights and broadens the freedoms of family farms and protects consumer access to raw milk and other foods.
The Ron and Ellen Schmid Foundation. TheFoundation’s mission is to search for opportunities to further the above goals and others that may create a more prosperous future for those who believe that the grace and beauty of the natural world and its creatures is an irreplaceable resource upon which the fate of humanity ultimately depends.
ta knuock
Ta Knuock, Cambodia, 1987. Three children will not give up on life, or each other. For us, these photographs, taken by our photographer and good friend Marcus Halevi, capture the essence of what is beautiful in people everywhere. Mr. Halevi’s work includes photographing for UNICEF, Church World Service and the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma.

Our intent is that when we are gone, Dr. Ron’s Ultra-Pure will carry on, with the bulk of the company’s profits going to the charities we believe in.

The mission of Dr. Ron’s Ultra-Pure is to provide 100% pure nutrients, formulas and special foods to complement whole foods diets, while helping to raise awareness of the critical importance of quality animal source foods in the human diet while supporting foundations doing work we believe in.

We appreciate that by being our customers, you are helping us to make a difference. Thank you.