Avoid These 5 Common Excuses if You Want to Get Fit

Avoid These 5 Common Excuses if You Want to Get Fit

A healthy body is one of the most valuable assets you can have. With proper exercise and nutrition, you can wake up every day feeling more vibrant than ever before. While maintaining your health can be easy, getting started is much more challenging. If you want to have the body you always dreamed of, make sure you avoid these 5 common excuses.

I Don’t Have Time for Exercise

When you’re looking into a fitness program, you’ll see plenty of people that dedicate hours to the gym every day. But there is a big difference between being a body builder and making a few healthy changes to your lifestyle. Even though it’s hard to balance your family, your career, and your personal time, everyone can find the time to squeeze in a little workout into their day. All it takes is a very small change in your lifestyle such as walking to work or going for a twenty-minute run. While this won’t take much extra time, you’ll surely notice a major difference.

I Don’t Know How to do The Workouts

There is no doubt that some of the exercises take the time to learn the proper form and procedure. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t get started today. There are plenty of fitness guides that give you step by step directions on how to properly complete a workout. There are so many resources available, that not knowing where to get started is a poor excuse.

Healthy Food is Too Expensive

Walking through the aisles of Whole Foods can make you feel as if healthy eating is a luxury reserved only for the wealthy. But you don’t have to eat only locally sourced organic foods to make a healthy change in your diet. Getting the nutrients your body needs can actually be much more inexpensive than eating pre-made, processed foods. When you shop carefully, eating well can cost the same as buying junk food, and you’ll save plenty of money on healthcare in the future.

I Don’t Have the Right Body Type

Sure, not everyone can look like a supermodel. But that doesn’t mean that health is out of your reach. No matter what type of body you have, you can always strive to be healthier. There are hundreds of examples of people who have gone from severely overweight to slim and happy in as little as a few years. The most important thing is to take that first step, and you’ll find that everything else comes naturally.

Results Take Too Long

The important thing here is to decide what you consider results. When many people first start working out, they don’t see themselves losing weight right away. But muscle weighs more than fat. Although the numbers on their scales stay the same, they’re actually losing a lot of fat while getting stronger and healthier. When you first start to make healthy choices, you can start feeling better within a week. Start with small goals. Try your new lifestyle for a day. Then two days. Before you know it, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start earlier.

Written by Natalie Bracco for Working Mother and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to