Emu Oil, 100 Capsules

Emu Oil, 100 Capsules
  • Contains all the Fat-Soluble vitamins: A, D3, E, K2
  • (best whole food source of vitamin K2, MK-4, the most potent form of vitamin K2, believed to be Dr. Weston Price’s prized “Activator X” in amounts 10 times greater than butter oil and ghee!
  • Contains Omega – 3, 6, 7 & 9; plus AA, ATP & cancer – protective CLA

Active Ingredients:

  • Omega 3, 6 and 9
  • Vitamin K2 MK-4
  • Vitamin D3
  • Viatmin E
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Mild and pleasant tasting, easy to take, no bitterness, aftertaste or burping

Highly anti-inflammatory Superfood

Unadulterated – nothing added- nothing taken away


  • Nutrient powerhouse for the whole family.
  • 100% pure and unadulterated.
  • Used by health care professionals.
  • Life sustaining synergy.
  • Highly anti-inflammatory.
  • Potent inhibitor of angiogenesis.
  • High biological activity.
  • Ancient traditional use.
  • Select Australian Emu genetics.
  • Activates nutritional profile of other nutrients.
  • Available in convenient soft gel caps.
  • Gentle on the stomach, no burping or aftertaste.
  • Registered with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia.
  • Assembled and balanced by nature. Nothing added to or taken out of our oils.
  • Halal certification upon request.

For millions of years the Emu has maintained unique qualities and capabilities in its fat. This has enabled it to survive the harsh environment and climate of the Australian outback. The Emu stores nutrition and energy in his fat for when it will be needed most: during droughts, food and water shortages and the reproduction phase of each season.

The male Emu sits on his cluster of eggs for 54 days without food or water. The synergistic components in the fat are absorbed directly into his blood stream without waste. The Emu is the only known warm blooded animal able to provide this type of life sustaining fat on a commercial basis.