Simple Smoothie Recipes That Are As Tasty As They Are Easy To Make

Simple Smoothie Recipes That Are As Tasty As They Are Easy To Make

And they are very easy to make. Get leaner and healthier at the touch of a button with these four simple smoothie recipes.

Red Berries And Chilli Smoothie Recipe

  • Handful of strawberries , provide polyphenols, which help to improve blood sugar control and reduce fat storage
  • Pinch of chilli powder , provides capsaicin, which aids fat loss by increasing body temperature and energy expenditure
  • Handful of frozen raspberries , provide fibre, which helps keep you full and avoid the temptation to snack
  • 100ml natural yogurt , provides filling protein, which helps to minimise muscle wastage when eating for fat loss

Kale And Pear Smoothie Recipe

  • Handful of kale , provides calcium, which plays a key role in regulating body fat levels
  • ½ pear , provides anti-inflammatory flavonoids, which help you recover after a fat-torching gym session
  • 1 scoop of natural yogurt , provides high levels of protein to keep you feeling full throughout the morning
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • 1tbsp honey , has been found to increase exercise capacity during workouts, allowing you to burn more calories
  • Water, to taste

Chocolate And Coconut Smoothie Recipe

  • 20g 85% cocoa dark chocolate , provides flavonoids, which supply working muscles with oxygen
  • 100g coconut milk , fuels muscle growth because it is calorie-dense, containing 140 cals per 100g
  • 25g scoop whey protein isolate, provides protein to help build and repair muscle tissue
  • 1 pinch cinnamon , improves insulin sensitivity and body composition
  • 1 banana
  • 50g raw oats, soaked in 100g water

Spicy Orange And Green Tea Smoothie Recipe

  • Juice of 1 orange , provides vitamin C, which helps to combat free radicals and improve recovery after training
  • Pinch of chilli powder , provides capsaicin, which helps to suppress appetite
  • 1 scoop of whey protein isolate , which is very filling, helping you avoid the urge to snack
  • 400ml green tea, cold , provides the antioxidant ECGC, which causes an increase in fat oxidisation

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