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Testosterone is essential for building muscles – and the less you have, the faster they disappear. Decreased testosterone causes hair loss, and increased ”spare tire” fat, accompanied by wrinkling of the skin and shrinking of the gonads.Doc’s Yang Energy is designed to boost levels of testosterone for increased muscle mass, decreased hair loss, and greater sexual desire and performance. Increased blood levels of testosterone support a surging sex life and greater energy.
Fenugreek is a special clover found in remote regions of India. The seeds are rich in saponin glycosides, which have been demonstrated to stimulate testosterone production in the human body. Fenuside is an extract of fenugreek seeds that is standardized to contain 50% saponin glycosides. In an eight-week double blind study, both the group taking fenuside and the control group taking a placebo engaged in resistance exercise, which is known to stimulate testosterone production. The men taking 600 milligrams of fenuside (600 milligrams, approximately the amount provided in two Doc’s Yang Energy capsules) experienced much larger increases in free testosterone levels than the control group.
There is a great deal of history and many studies and references showing that in addition to qualities like healthy blood sugar and lipid metabolism support, fenugreek promotes healthy libido and testosterone functions. Stimulation of libido occurs for both for men and women.Fenugreek is a well-known herb, containing a variety of compounds as active ingredients. It is an extremely versatile herb with multiple applications. Fenugreek contains protodioscin, pseudo protodioscin, gracillin, protogracillin, diosgenin, dioscin and many other saponins, many of which are not identified yet.
The metabolic effect of fenuside appears to be twofold. While it stimulates the production of testosterone, the saponin glycosides also appear to mimic testosterone’s effects by binding to testosterone receptor sites and creating testosterone like activity.
There are eleven species of Ginseng, all found only in North America and in eastern Asia, typically in cooler climates. Panax Ginseng has been traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and for treatment of loss of libido and decreased sexual performance in men.
Ginseng is best used in combination with other herbs, for there are synergistic effects that yield many more definitive and positive results. Many high-quality, double blind, randomized controlled trials have been done on Ginseng in China, Taiwan and Japan.
A 2002 study by the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences) found that in laboratory animals, both Asian and American forms of Ginseng enhance libido and sexual performance. These effects of Ginseng may not be due to changes in hormone secretion, but to direct effects of ginseng or its ginsenoside components on the central nervous system and gonadal tissues. In males, ginsenosides can facilitate penile erection.
Fenuside and Panax Ginseng work together to increase sexual feelings and enhance men’s ability to be sexually active consistently over time. Unlike prescription drugs, with their side effects and outright dangers, the effects are more subtle, natural and longer lasting. Applying this lasting solution over weeks and months, men find a gradually increasing interest in lovemaking and regain their natural response and ability to achieve and maintain erections.
Doc’s Yang Energy works best taken together with Doc’s Triple Threat. The two formulas complement one another by providing an array of natural ingredients each of which have been shown to have desired effects. None of us will never by seventeen again. But we can and should expect a vigorous, healthy sex life into advanced age. As Tony Bennett sings, ”the best is yet to come.”
*The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease.
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