SPECIAL OFFICE HOURS: December 24 - 25 (closed - Christmas)

Dr. Ron on Nutrition and Health

  • Primal Nutrition: Paleolithic and Ancestral Diets for Optimal Health.
    Dr. Ron has updated, added to, rewritten and renamed his 1987 classic Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine. Focusing on the discoveries of Drs. Weston Price, Francis Pottenger and other nutritional pioneers, and his own 34 years of clinical experience with thousands of patients as a naturopathic physician, he clearly lays out the principles you can use to build your own optimal diet.
  • "Every person requires a different diet," Dr. Ron says, "but the principles apply to all of us. Food is the key to health. I've worked on what I present in Primal Nutrition all my life."

    From the foreword by Nora Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT, author of the best-selling Primal Body, Primal Mind:

    "Twenty-one years ago I first came across an earlier incarnation of the book you now hold in your hands. From the moment I first picked it up off the shelf, I almost literally couldn't put it down…. I was gobsmacked and nothing has been the same ever since…. Ron's book opened my eyes to a completely different way of looking at the field of nutritional science….it changed my life…. With grace, respect, and a rare open-mindedness, Ron has renewed his perspective in a way seldom revisited by established experts in any field, and he continually expresses a willingness to see the evidence he has uncovered in new ways…. May the newest and best incarnation of this book rock your world even a fraction as much as its earlier predecessor rocked mine."

  • Too Much of a NOT so Good Thing - A True Story from Dr. Ron – I am writing this article now because it has become clear to me that my theory that my heart failure was caused by excessive doses of cod liver oil is correct. But now there is more to the story.

  • Treacherous Waters Update – Eleven weeks after a shark bit her foot, Elly is healing rapidly and has started playing tennis again.

  • Treacherous Waters – The story of a Florida vacation that turned into a nightmare when Elly was bitten by a shark as she and Dr. Ron were enjoying the waters off the Jacksonville coast.v

  • Dr. Ron’s Dietary Principles – Dr. Ron talks about individualizing the traditional Superfats American diet.

  • Cholesterol, Animal Fats and Heart Disease: A Modern Myth? – The complete chapter 10 of Dr. Ron's Book The Untold Story of Milk.

  • Making Sense of Nutritional Supplements – Dr. Ron discusses the basics of choosing nutritional supplements - which ones to take, when and how much. This article first appeared in the Fall 2012 journal The Price-Pottenger Journal of Health and Healing.
  • Some Facts About Calcium Supplements, Bones and Raw Milk – "Breast Cancer and Heart Attacks: A Deadly Side Effect of Calcium Supplements?
  • The Dr. Ron’s Story – How Dr. Ron's got started and what our mission is.

  • Dr. Ron’s Top Ten Health Secrets – Sunshine is underrated. Think South Seas island, under an umbrella. Don’t bake, just toast a little. Humans at heart are solar powered.

  • Why Our Customers Love Ultra-Pure Body Care – Our gentle, effective shampoos, conditioners and skin care all feature botanical extracts and essential oils – without sodium laurel sulfate, propylene glycol, alcohol or parabens.

  • Raw Milk Goes to Harvard – Dr. Ron's nephew, Nick, reports on his recent trip with Dr. Ron and Elly to watch the Raw Milk Debate at Harvard University. Sally Fallon Morell, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation and David Gumpert, author of The Raw Milk Revolution were the raw mik proponents at this event.

  • Dr. Ron Answers Frequently Asked Questions – Dr. Ron responds to many common questions about his products.

  • Doc’s Best, Our State-of-the-Art Multi is Genuine Health Insurance – Nutritional deficiencies are an important reason why we develop chronic medical problems. A properly formulated multi provides ideal amounts of all the essential vitamins, minerals, and other critical nutrients, in their optimal forms. This helps prevent or correct nutritional deficiencies.

  • Why We Avoid All Additives in Our 100% Pure Supplements – Additives, such as magnesium stearate, are used for the convenience of manufacturers, not consumers. Learn why we make completely additive-free supplements.

  • Dietary Supplements – What the Industry Does Not Want You to Know – Manufacturers generally deny that ubiquitous additives have detrimental effects. Here are the facts.

  • Got Kids? On the Way? – Why Weston Price is a Mom’s Best Friend. Food and supplements we recommend for pregnant women and children.

  • Can Vitamin E Kill You? – Media reports would have you think so. Read about why we think nearly everyone benefits from our state-of-the-art Vitamin E.

  • The Untold Story of Milk (Revised and Updated) – The newest edition of Dr. Ron’s milk book tells the real story about raw milk from grassfed animals, nature’s most nearly perfect food.

  • Food, Supplements, Weston A Price and Nutritional Principles – Here is an information-packed article about how Dr. Ron applies fundamental nutritional principles in designing healthy diets and formulating supplements.

  • Diet, Chronic Disease and Optimal Health – All about the pioneering nutrition research of Weston A. Price and Dr. Ron's application of Dr. Price's dietary principles to his practice.

  • The Health Benefits of Raw Milk from Grassfed Animals – This article detailing the profound effects of raw milk first appeared in Wise Traditions, the journal of the Weston A Price Foundation.

  • Keeping a Family Cow – You may never have your own cow, but you’ll enjoy learning a bit about what it would be like.

  • Recovering From Vegetarianism – Is being a vegetarian something you have to recover from? Dr. Ron’s thirty years of clinical experience tells him “Yes!

  • Mental and Emotional Aspects of Healing – We may be what we eat, but we become what we think about. Learn how your diet and your mind interplay to create health or disease. This article was first published in the Health and Healing, the journal of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation.

  • Raw Milk: History, Health Benefits and Distortions – first published in Medical Veritas, the Journal of Medical Truth, this is Dr. Ron’s most comprehensive article about raw milk.
Our supplements contain no magnesium stearate or other flowing agents, binders, lubricants,
coatings, fillers or other added ingredients of any kind.