SPECIAL OFFICE HOURS: January 27th (closed)

Our Story

Dr. Ron, founder of Dr. Ron's Ultra-Pure, at his Connecticut Farm.

We started Dr. Ron’s Ultra-Pure in the year 2000 to provide our patients with the purest and most effective nutrients, formulas, and special foods. My interest in nutrition began when as a young man I became very ill with intestinal problems. I healed myself with a natural foods diet. I understood then that food and food extracts provide the basis for healing disease and achieving optimal physical and mental health.

Nutrition had always been my specialty since graduating from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1981. For over thirty years, the sign outside my office has read, ”Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food,” a quote attributed to Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine.

We began shipping supplements to my patients as they became well and no longer needed office visits, and later to my phone consult patients around the country. Many found that as long as they continued eating according to plan and took their supplements, they recovered and by and large stayed well. When we started Dr. Ron’s, established our website, and began making many of our own additive-free supplements, many other people found us, and our company grew. Several years ago we added natural, chemical-free body care products. We still think like a ”mom and pop” operation, but we’ve recruited several family members and other staff to help us take care of the thousands of internet customers, stores and health care professionals who choose our products.

Dr. Ron’s is built on the ideals of purity, empowerment and commitment. These are the principles we follow;

Purity. The guiding principle for all our products is absolute purity. We know that our clients want a clean environment, pure food and water, and products with no extraneous ingredients. We use no additives whatsoever in our supplements, no chemicals in our body care products.

Empowerment. We embrace the ideal of empowerment because health empowers. Our goal is to help people become free of disease and confident of their health. Our website is designed to provide information about nutrition and supplements to help this happen. I provide general advice about diet and supplements to all who ask it. I try to be as be as helpful as possible through emails, given time constraints.

Commitment. Our commitment to our clients is genuine. We promise you the best products we can provide and the best service. We extend that commitment to our support of three vitally important non-profit foundations, as detailed in our Five Percent Pledge.

Last but not least, we always keep in mind these words from Dr. Weston Price, whose pioneering work in nutrition forms the foundation for all we do:

”Life in all its fullness is Mother Nature Obeyed.”